Product Backlog – definition


Here is an article for those who don’t yet know the term product backlog and to gather all the articles around this one that have already appeared on this blog.

Besides you can watch the agile minute video on the backlog:

Product backlog english definition

The backlog of a product is the set of needs collected to create the desired product. If we thinks of user-stories right away, it can also concern technical items, spikes or even bugs.

As we are in agile methods, indeed we must understand that the scope of the backlog is variable; we can see elements appear and others disappear throughout the product development.

Indeed, contrary to a specification, the backlog lives and evolves constantly. Moreover, each of the needs that constitute it are detailed only at the last moment, just before the developments. At startup we have simple titles to know what needs we have but no details on them


Article: Write your user-stories with an incremental and iterative approach

Backlog management

It is essential to properly manage our product backlog. Knowing that the scope of it is variable, we have to know how to manage it well. Besides I realized an article on this subject that you can read:

Article: Product backlog, from theme to user-stories!

In general, we try to deliver maximum value at the beginning of the project to get the most important feedback as soon as possible. It will only be admitted that there will be a running-in phase of the team of a few sprints. Here is what the value curve should look like throughout the project:

backlog - livraison par valeur business
product backlog – delivery by business value

Thus you can use different prioritization methods like the MoSCow method (to macro level) and the ROI = Business Value / story point for all the items.

Articles :

The MoSCoW method
Prioritize with Business Value?

And our items in the backlog?

Besides here are some articles that I can advise you about items that we can find in our backlog.

Articles :

What is an Epic in Agile?
Agile user story
The 3C model for the social aspect of user-stories
Let’s work on our features with MMF
Nonfunctional Requirements (NFR) in Scrum?
Making user-stories of different storyotype

Conclusion product backlog

To conclude, I sincerely hope that this notion of product backlog has no more secrets for you now. Besides feel free to write your definition of the backlog on the comments area.

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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.


  1. Dear Judicaël,
    I am also really interested in product backlog management. So, I have recently published the article that discusses how to make the product backlog visible to every stakeholder.
    If you are interested, we can discuss the possibility to exchange the links. Please let me know your thoughts.

    • Hello.
      With pleasure 🙂 Give me your whatzap number (i will not put the next comment in public) and I purpose you to talk about that there 🙂

5 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Scrum spike: What's a spike? - Blog Myagile Partner
  2. Quick wins - comprendre ce terme - Blog Myagile Partner
  3. Backlog - définition et explication - Blog Myagile Partner
  4. Quick wins - understand this term - Blog Myagile Partner
  5. Backlog traduction - My Agile Partner Scrum

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