Marshmallow Challenge – Ice Breaker #11

marshmallow challenge
marshmallow challenge

Today I will introduce a popular Ice Breaker that has proven its effectiveness in the world of agility: the Marshmallow Challenge. It’s a great way to start your workshops or training sessions with a fun and engaging activity.

You can also explore our other Ice Breakers and Energizers here: [Ice Breaker / Energizer]

Marshmallow Challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge is designed to help participants get to know each other in a fun and interactive context.

**Duration**: 15 minutes

Step 1 of Marshmallow Challenge

The facilitator will instruct the participants to form groups of 5 to 6 people. Each group will receive a packet of spaghetti and a packet of marshmallows.

All groups will have 4 minutes to build structures using the spaghetti and marshmallows. The structures must be able to stand on their own without any external support. Here’s an example of what can be created:

Step 2 of Marshmallow Challenge

Next, the facilitator will ask each team to take 1 minute to think about ways to improve their structure during the next iteration.

After that, the teams will have 4 more minutes to continue building their structures using spaghetti and marshmallows.

Step 3 of Marshmallow Challenge

The facilitator will repeat the step 2 process for a second time.

At the end of the third iteration, the facilitator will invite all participants to vote for the most visually appealing and structurally sound architecture. The winning team will receive a prize of a full package of marshmallows.

Note: Some facilitators may determine the winner based on the height of the structure (the tallest marshmallow).


In conclusion, the Marshmallow Challenge Ice Breaker is a fun and engaging activity that helps participants get to know each other better and fosters teamwork among both new and existing teams.

Feel free to share your feedback on this Ice Breaker. It’s designed to entertain participants and provide them with the energy they need for the upcoming workshop.

For more Ice Breaker ideas, you can visit our [Ice Breaker page]( (in French).

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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

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