Agile sprint – definition

agile sprint definition
agile sprint definition

This article introduces the concept of an “agile sprint” and explains its significance within the Scrum framework. The article is geared towards individuals who are new to agile methodologies and want to understand the fundamental concept of sprints in Scrum.

Agile Sprint Definition

The article defines an agile sprint as a defined time interval during which a Scrum team carries out work based on a predetermined goal. It explains that at the end of a sprint, the team reviews the work completed during that period and seeks ways to improve for the next sprint.

Origin of the Term “Sprint”

The article explains that Scrum chose to use the term “sprint” for this concept to emphasize teamwork and goal-oriented focus. The term draws inspiration from sports, where runners strive to achieve performance goals. Interestingly, the word “sprint” was also borrowed from “The New New Product Development Game,” a publication that analyzed new project management experiments based on iteration concepts. The authors of this publication compared iterations to sprints performed by runners.
Scrum leveraged this comparison to create a comprehensive agile project management framework.

Visual Representation of the Scrum Concept

The article offers a visual representation of an agile sprint, consisting of key events (ceremonies) that structure the sprint’s lifecycle. These events include:

  • Sprint Planning: The iteration opening where the team plans the work, sets a goal, and defines the plan to achieve it.
  • Sprint Review: The iteration closing where the team reviews the work done and invites users/customers to provide feedback on the product.
  • Sprint Retrospective: A meeting after the review where the team reflects on the sprint and identifies areas for improvement.
  • Daily Scrum: A daily meeting where the development team synchronizes by discussing progress, plans for the day, and any obstacles.

The article provides a visual diagram to help readers understand the sequence of these events within an agile sprint.


In conclusion, the article introduces the concept of an agile sprint within the Scrum framework. It emphasizes the iterative nature of sprints and how they are organized around specific events. The article encourages readers to learn more about these events and ceremonies and warns against deviating from the core principles of the Scrum framework.
Useful link: Scrum Explained in French

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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

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