Three little pigs – Retrospective

three little pigs retrospective
three little pigs retrospective

The retrospective of the three little pigs is an interesting retrospective; it allows to work on 3 distinct axes: instability, lack of solidity and what is solid. Seeing many requests around different retrospectives, I decided to propose an article on this one.

If we are in a retrospective rather simple, it has the distinction of working on axes poorly represented in retrospective. This makes it possible to look for axis of improvement from a slightly different view.

Our retrospectives

Material required for the three little pigs

For the three little pigs, you will have to prepare the following equipment:

  • post-it
  • a white board or large sheets post’it (paper board)
  • erasable markers
  • prints representing the 3 types of houses: straw, wood and brick

The overall time to plan is 30 minutes.

Preparation for the three little pigs

The Scrum Master will draw on the board or on kraft paper on the wall, 3 separate columns. At the top of each column, we can put the printed papers of houses from left to right: a straw house, a wooden house and a brick house.

Here is an example of completed preparation of the three little pigs board:

board les 3 petits cochons
board the three little pigs – Three little pigs retrospective


Here are the different steps to follow to complete the three little pigs retrospective.

Step 1: The Scrum Master will allow participants to take 5 minutes to fill some post’it to explain what they think is very unstable within the team currently (house straw column), what they think still missing a bit of solidity (wooden house column) and what they think being very solid currently (brick house column).

Step 2: On the second phase, the scrum master will take 10 minutes to read what all the members have put on the board; in case of doubt, the person who wrote the post’it will be able to share his idea in a few words.

The scrum master will also benefit at this time to gather the post’it who talk about the same idea together to improve the readability of different ideas raised by the team.

Step 3: he will purpose to the participants to take 5 minutes to note improvement points on post’it; they must put one idea per post’it.

Step 4: The scrum master will purpose to make a dot voting to vote the 3 main axis of improvement that the team will handle at the beginning of the next sprint.

It will not forget to ask participants to choose a volunteer to be responsible to follow each axis of improvement. It’s important to remember that it’s essential to empower people to ensure that the axis of improvement will not be forgotten at the end of the retrospective.

Conclusion : the three little pigs

To conclude, this retrospective “three little pigs” offers a format close to the great classics but original on the axes of reflection. So, don’t hesitate to animate the three little pigs within your teams.

Are you ready to do the three little pigs in your team?

Useful link: retrospective in french


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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

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  1. Overall retrospective - My agile Partner Scrum

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