Retrospective #5: Fast and Furious

fast and furious retrospective
fast and furious retrospective

The fast and furious retrospective is a retrospective that can easily lead to a fun time; it brings a little freshness to the retrospectives. Feel free to run your imagination to animate it in a fun way.

Feel free to check out our other retrospectives on this dedicated page:

Our retrospectives

Required material for fast and furious

For the fast and furious, you will need to prepare some material. Here is the requirement material to animate this retrospective:

  • square post’it
  • pens
  • a board (or flipchart)

Here is an image to print in A3 that I made so that you have a nice picture for your retrospective:


retrospective fast and furious
retrospective fast and furious

The overall time to plan is 40 minutes.

Different steps of fast and furious

Here are the different steps to follow to complete this new retrospective.

Step 1: The Scrum Master will paste the fast and furious poster which represents 5 different notions that we will describe below. He will also explain all the elements present

Duration: 10 minutes


Step 2: He will allow 5 minutes for participants to fill the post’it to indicate what they think about the 5 points explained below:

  • Fast: actions that could be done quickly during the sprint
  • First: actions that were made for the first time during the sprint
  • Furious: actions that were annoying during the sprint
  • Fun: actions that were rather nice during the sprint
  • Fed up: actions that were boring during the sprint

As a reminder, participants will have to notify one idea per post’it. However, they will not be limited by the number of posts to create.

Duration: 5 minutes


Step 3: The scrum master will purpose to each participant to come and explain what he has put on his posts to make sure that each idea is understood by all participants.

In parallel, the scrum master will also take advantage to gather the post’it dealing with the same idea to improve the readability of different ideas raised by the team.

Duration: 15 minutes


Step 4: the scrum master will suggest to the participants to take 5 minutes to note axis of improvement on the post’it knowing that they will be able to put only one idea per post’it.

Duration: 5 minutes


Step 5: Finally, he will purpose to all the participants to make a dot voting to vote the 3 most important axis of improvement that the team will have to do at the beginning of the next sprint.

We will define a monitoring officer and a commitment date for the 3 major axis of improvement determined by the dot voting.

Duration: 5 minutes


Conclusion : fast and furious

Slightly different, this retrospective of fast and furious purposes a simple format but not identical to the other retrospective that we can meet. It is essential to change the formats of each retrospective to never fall into the monotony of the retrospectives.

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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

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