Retrospective #8: mood weather

mood weather retrospective
mood weather retrospective

The weather mood retrospective is a retrospective that I appreciate a lot; it brings a little freshness to the retrospectives. It will aim to focus on the mood of the team while forgetting to look for real axis of improvement.

Feel free to read our other retrospectives on this dedicated page:

Our retrospectives

Required material for mood weather

For mood weather, you will need to prepare very little equipment. Here is what the facilitator will need to animate this retrospective:

  • square post’it
  • pens
  • a board (or flipchart)

The overall time to plan is 40 minutes.

All steps

Here are the different steps to take to complete this new retrospective.

Step 1: The Scrum Master will ask of one participant chosen at random to draw the map of Europe in whole. If the person really can not do it, he can ask one of his colleagues to help him.

Duration: 5 minutes

Step 2: The Scrum Master will ask all the participants to draw on a post’it the weather that will define their feelings during the last two weeks.

To guide them, he will give some indications:

  • a big sun will represent two extraordinary weeks close to ideal.
  • a cloud with a lightning bolt, snow and rain together will represent the worst two weeks we could live on the project.
météo de l'humeur
mood weather – examples

Participants will be able to use intermediate weather to represent their feelings of the last two weeks.

Duration: 5 minutes

Step 3: The scrum master will ask the participants to come and put their post’it progressively on the board while following the indications of it.

It will give the European capitals (if possible the most difficult ones) where each participant will have to put his post’it. This often leads to a few laughs because it is rare to know someone who knows all of them.

Example of capitals difficult to locate:

  • Ljubljana
  • Vaduz
  • Tirana
  • Nicosia
  • Tallinn
  • Pristina
  • Riga
  • Skopje
  • Bratislava

By posing his post’it, the participant will explain his feelings and explain why he put this weather.

Duration: 15 minutes

Step 4: The participants will define together axis of improvement on post’it.

The participants will make a Dot Voting to define the 3 main axis of improvement that the team will work on during the next sprint.

The scrum master will not forget to ask participants to choose a volunteer to be responsible for monitoring the implementation of these axis of improvement. It is important to remember that it is essential to empower people to ensure that the axis of improvement will not be forgotten at the end of the retrospective.

Duration: 15 minutes

Conclusion: the mood weather

Original, this retrospective of mood weather offers a very special format based primarily on the feelings of team members. Humans are essential and must often be at the center of attention.


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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

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