SAFe framework in agile

safe - scale agile framework
safe - scale agile framework

The SAFe framework is a lean-agile framework to make several Scrum teams work together within the same structure. We will see in this article what is this framework and I will do many articles around this one.

Origin of SAFe framework in agile

SAFe framework was created by Dean Leffingwell in 2011 to provide one agility at scale within large IT departments and even some companies; it’s the result of a concatenation of a large number of patterns from Lean and agile methods.

The purpose of SAFe is to enable companies to have a structured framework across the entire enterprise to get a good structuring or to better achieve its agile transformation.

SAFe is the result of many agile transformations do by its author and other agile coaches at Nokia or John Deere.

The SAFe Framework loved or hated …

SAFe is a very thorny subject in agile communities. Some adore it almost to worship it, but others will rather hate it. Some think that it’s imperative to structure the company with it and others will rather find it too structuring to be agile.

For my part, being SPC4 certified, I think it brings many things. However, we must know that adapting is the key to successful agility (some will find curious that a SPC4 can think that). But it  propose very interesting things.

Safe 4.5, a complete agile framework

Here is a schema that offers a general view of the framework. Don’t worry if it seems difficult to understand, it’s normal.

Framework safe 4.5 - méthode safe
safe framework 4.5 – méthode safe agile

It’s important to know that this framework is made for a minimum of 50 people or even hundreds. No need to try to put SAFe in your IT department of 20 people.

Compared to many scalability agility framework, it’s true that the SAFe 4.5 Framework offers a concrete company’s portfolio.

It also explains exactly how to make teams work around the same topics (team, program). It also offers a complement in case of even larger solution (large solution).

You will find many practices that you already know: Scrum, Lean practices (including Kaizen), product development flow concept, Kanban, XP, Devops (continuous integration, continuous delivery …), the lean startup and the agile UX.

Feel free to check out the articles in this blog about other agile at scale frameworks. You will have an idea of ​​others framework:

What is LeSS agile framework?
Agile at scale with Spotify model

Conclusion SAFe framework method

Many articles will be made around the SAFe framework during the year 2019. It’s always interesting for anyone to discover what it proposes to make to have his own opinion. Maybe you will want to apply some practices of this framework interesting for your company.

Useful link with SAFe framework : The official website of SAFe


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About Judicaël Paquet 368 Articles
Judicaël Paquet (agile coach and senior devops) My Engagements in France and Switzerland: - Crafting Agile Transformation Strategies - Tailored Agile Training Programs - Raising Awareness and Coaching for Managers - Assessing Agile Maturity and Situational Analysis - Agile Coaching for Teams, Organizations, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches Areas of Expertise: Scrum, Kanban, Management 3.0, Scalability, Lean Startup, Agile Methodology.

6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. What's a RTE (Release Train Engineer)? - Blog Myagile Partner
  2. Program Board SAFe - Blog Myagile Partner
  3. Business owners in SAFe - Blog Myagile Partner
  4. SAFe vs Spotify - Blog Myagile Partner
  5. SAFe 5.0, the news! - My agile Partner Scrum
  6. SAFe VS Scrum - My Agile Partner Scrum

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